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3238 Kensington Ct., Manchester, MD

The Occupancy Fee is $238,000.00 with our standard “Life Occupancy Agreement” entitling you with the right to live in the cottage basically indefinitely with a minimum of 25% ($59,500.00) refunded when you leave.  If you should leave sooner than 10 years you would receive a greater amount based on your refund schedule.

The current monthly fees are $614.00 of which $239.00 is real estate taxes and $375.00 is maintenance.  Manchester Manor pays the real estate taxes at the beginning of the tax year and the Residents reimburse Manchester Manor throughout the year.  Depending upon your income and assets you may be entitled to a Maryland State Homeowners Property Tax Credit enabling you to reduce this expense.

This is a Coach Model A cottage with  almost 1000 Sq.Ft  plus the attached garage.  It is the most popular floor plan with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. This is a Corner Cottage unit with hardwood floors in Living room,  updated Appliances and Gazebo on a spacious deck.

 This cottage will be renovated and available by the Beginning  of  December 2024.  An allowance will be provided for  flooring of your choice.